Kuril Islands become more and more wanted region to travel to. The main reasons are isolation of the region from the European part of country and unique character of natural wonders. It is a real Far East in the direct sense of these two words but they can be interpreted in different ways. To reach the Kurils isn’t that difficult as it may seem, it is not something in the middle of nowhere.
It’s somewhere nearby Japan, there are always a bad weather, frequent earthquakes and lots of bears - these all are typical stereotypes which can be commonly met but they can’t describe even a molecule of Kuril Islands.
The Kurils is a borderline between Okhotsk sea and Pacific Ocean represented by an archipelago of total length 1200 kilometers. As a rule, more than fifty large islands are usually mentioned, only four of them are inhabited. Consequently, the Kurils is a place where there are not many people and lots of impressions. You can start your acquaintance with Kuril Islands from its southernmost representative.
Kunashir is the southernmost island of Greater Kuril Ridge. It takes a third place in area among all islands. The tourism infrastructure isn’t developed here that much, but it can reveal a positive point. Here you still can feel authenticity of the island and feel the primeval charm and natural flair.